An Oklahoma court case that took almost 3 1/2 years to wind its way through the system came to a conclusion on Tuesday when a 39-year-old woman was sentenced to four years in prison with an additional four years' probation upon her release in the 2019 vehicular death of a Howe woman.
Kristen Lyn Andrews, a former teacher in the Greenwood Public School District, was sentenced in Leflore County Circuit Court after a plea deal in the death of 26-year-old Audumn Martindale. Martindale died November 22, 2019, when the 2002 Malibu she was driving was struck by a 2007 GMC SUV driven by Andrews.
Andrews was above the legal limit for driving in Oklahoma and according to information from the Oklahoma state courts Network was charged with two felony counts-- Manslaughter in the First Degree and DUI Causing Great Bodily Injury--as well as DUI with Injury Accident, a state misdemeanor.
Martindale, who was declared dead at the scene of the accident, which occurred on a rain slickened highway south of Poteau. Two of Andrews childrenl, aged one and four, were in the vehicle with her as she was driving under the influence.
The case has meandered through the court system since being originally filed on July 6, 2020 when the warrant of arrest was issued. Andrews bonded out of jail not long after her initial arrest.
The OSCN website shows 35 different actions and hearings by the court in the case. The case was also drawn out because Martindale was a native American and the court actions had to adhere to legal specifications involving criminal Acts by and against tribal members through the McGirt ruling.
Andrews awaits transferred to the Oklahoma Department of corrections in the Leflore County Detention Center in Poteau..