A 51-year-old Fort Smith resident remains behind bars this week after an arrest last week in connection with an incident in which his 15-year-old son has been accused of Murder in the First Degree.
Antonio Gilberto Castillo, whose address listed with the Sebastian County sheriff office booking desk is in the 5800 block of Kinkaid Avenue, remains in the Sebastian County adult Detention Center on a no bond hold facing two Class B Misdemeanor counts.
A bond hearing is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. today in Fort Smi[th District Court.
Castillo, whose son Connor was arrested in charged with the murder of 15-year-old Bailey Smith and the wounding of another 12-year-old, faces one count of Tampering with Physical Evidence and one count of Hindering Apprehension or Prosecution by Holding Facts.
Online sources reveal Castillo has lived at 27 different addresses in Arkansas, North Carolina, California, Florida, Texas, Indiana and Mississippi since June of 1990.
The same online source shows during the same time frame that he has been arrested on various drug related charges as well as holding an August arrest this year for Domestic Battering in the Third Degree/Purposely while living in Fort Smith.
Today in Fort Smith will have the outcome of his bond hearing later this afternoon following his court appearance.