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TIFS Investigates: The continuiong facade of "Media Mike" continues to entice contacts from concerned readers

By Sienna Snider- True Crime Writer for Today in Fort Smith

In an exclusive interview, a woman named Rhonda (last name withheld for safety reasons) has come forward to share shocking allegations against the elusive figure who writes under the non de plume of "Media Mike Hendricks."

Rhonda, visibly shaken during our sit-down, recounted a harrowing incident nearly a decade ago in which "Media Mike", allegedly in a methamphetamine-fueled rage, slashed her tires and shattered her windshield. The incident is said to have occurred in a small town in central Oklahoma.

"I was terrified," Rhonda recalled, her voice trembling as she recounted the night that changed her life. "He was out of control. I feared for my life then, and I still do now."

Rhonda claims that her fears are not unfounded. According to her, "Media Mike", who stands 5'7" and weighs upwards of 300 pounds, has deep-rooted connections to a dangerous underworld of drug dealers, prostitutes, and has even hired hitmen. She alleges that his network of criminal contacts has only grown more influential over the years.

"I've seen him with people you don't want to mess with," she said, her eyes darting nervously around the room. "He knows how to manipulate, intimidate, and, if necessary, eliminate anyone who stands in his way."

Rhonda decided to come forward with her story out of concern for the safety of Dennis McCaslin, the owner and editor of Today in Fort Smith. "I fear for Dennis's life," she confessed. "If Media Mike feels threatened or cornered, there's no telling what he might do."

While these allegations are startling, it is important to note that they are currently unverified. At this time, it remains unclear whether Rhonda's claims have any merit. However, given the gravity of her statements, I am committed to investigating every lead and uncovering the truth behind these accusations.

"I have had so many of these baseless threats over the years that eventually you learn to separate the real crap from the bull crap," McCaslin said on Saturday. "My staff is concerned, however, we have definitive proof that "Media Mike" is a fictitious facade for a group of at least three---and maybe more-- individuals who have serious mental health issues. There is some psychosis, co-dependency, personality disorders, and ignorance all rolled into a confederacy of dunces."

"I will say this, though, " McCaslin continued. "At least one of the three individuals has shown a proclivity for activities akin to what 'Rhonda' alleges and the other two have a long history of felony convictions as well as drug and theft-related issues."

This story is still developing, and I will continue to dig deeper into the claims made by Rhonda and others who might know more about Media Mike Hendricks. As always, my goal is to bring the truth to light, no matter where it leads.

Stay tuned to Today in Fort Smith for updates on this story and more as we continue our pursuit of justice and truth in our community.

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